Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fridays in the Garden, The Beginning!

For years I have loved following my favorite blogs, and have wanted to join in the fun.  So, today, I am beginning!  I'm so excited!

I am going to share a little of my life and joys with whoever happens by my little piece of cyberspace.  I love to garden, and will begin here, in my real garden. 

We need to start gardening early in South Texas so that the plants have time to grow and set blooms before the evenings are too warm.  This is especially true for tomatoes.  Last weekend my husband and I got a load of good dirt and leaf mold compost to top off my garden beds and for other places in the yard that needed a bit of dirt.
The big pile of dirt...

I planted potatoes, onion sets, a couple of tomatoes, carrot seeds, and radish seeds.

My garden so far this 2013.  I have sugar snap peas, cabbage, and Swiss chard that we are currently enjoying (planted last November).
I really enjoy the peace of gardening.  I enjoy raising a little of our food in the yard of our urban home.  I grew up on a farm in Arkansas where we had a large garden.  The peace escaped me then, but feels fabulous now!
I did it!  My first post.  I can't wait to think of something new to share soon.  Please stop by and visit with me again soon. ~ Joeby


  1. Hooray for your first post! I love following blogs, especially when they're for people I love and know in real life. Thanks for sharing your gardening photos. All the gardening you do is so inspiring and I wish I had the energy to start up at our house. I think if we had some nifty planter boxes, I'd be more inclined to garden. Can't wait for your next post! (I know, I need to do better about updating my own blog!) Love you!

  2. Love this Joeby! You are my garden hero!

  3. Congratulations on your first blog! I need to cut down some trees......

  4. This is great! Maybe you will share some of your secrets with us. Thanks!

  5. I love your blog! Count me one of your followers!

  6. Great post! Your garden is always amazing!

  7. Love this! Will follow you and your growing garden!

  8. Wow, you are a great garderner!
