Thursday, May 9, 2013

To Plant A Garden...

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
~ Audrey Hepburn
Hi friends!
I hope that tomorrow brings rain to the North Houston area.  My garden is in need of rain, and not just my watering with a water hose.  It always seems to do better with rain from Mother Nature.  I did get out and water yesterday and put a little fertilizer on the tomatoes.  My leg is keeping me from tending the garden like I would like, but it does get better with each passing day.
I hope the lack of attention isn't causing my garden to suffer too much.  My potatoes look pretty pitiful, but they have looked that way in the past and have yielded lots of yummy potatoes to enjoy, so I am hoping for the same outcome this year!
I do not think my tomato plants have as many tomatoes as they have had in the past, but my husband thinks they look about the same... And, I have tons of cherry tomato plants, and I know that I only planted two of them....I think some were mislabled at our local nursery.  But, luckily we love cherry tomatoes, so all is well.
We are big fans of eggplant parmesan.  We really love the Japanese variety eggplants (Ichiban variety is pictured here).  I will post a recipe when I have plenty of eggplant to cook.
Basil and Rosmary.  I love having fresh herbs to cook with.  Making homemade pesto is a special treat.  We also like mixing homemade pesto with mayonaise for a yummy sandwich spread.  Hot paninis with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and pesto is so delicious!  When I get enough basil, I will post a recipe that I found for easy pesto.
The lizard population is continuing to grow.  I saw this little guy on a pretty red hibiscus.
Metal Sunflower, Pretty Mushroom, Red Poppy in the wild flower area.

Fridays in the Craft Room....

I finished this little Snowman a few days ago.  I started him before my leg trouble, and he was begging to be painted, glittered and dressed up.  It was my first attempt at using paper clay.   I will be doing more of this in the future!  I found the picture in an old Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion Christmas magazine, and tried making him from the picture.  Luckily, you can go on line and figure out how to use the items mentioned in blogs and magazines (such as "paper clay").  You can google and pinterest search for everything!!  Makes crafting so much easier than just a few years ago.  I am really wanting to try making different shapes and designs.  I did lots of online shopping while resting.  Boxes of crafting supplies are beginning to arrive :)  I will be making many Christmas presents when it is too hot to garden this summer in south Texas.
I found this cute jar at WalMart and decided to organize my rickrack and different trims that I have collected over the years.  I think I need another jar since this one is full and I still have more to wrap around old spools and pieces of cardboard.  I can't wait to get busy organizing my craft room a little more.  It is in dire need to refreshing and organization.
I am itching to cook, craft, and garden like crazy.  To just be busy all day long. I am very fortunate that my troubles are small and will get better with patience and time.  Many aren't so lucky and I hope that I can remember that when my aches and pains are gone and be a little kinder to those
who need a helping hand from me.
~ Joeby

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Japanese variety of eggplant! Actually, I don't even remember eating eggplant until I went on my mission and in the Philippines, that's all we had was the Japanese eggplant.

    I love how you arranged your rickrack! That is so cute!

    Hope you continue to feel better!!
