Saturday, October 5, 2013

October Eves

Listen the wind is rising,
And the air is wild with leaves.
We have had our Summer evenings,
Now for October Eves.
Saturdays are fabulous!  My husband isn't at work, and we usually try to spend the entire day together.  And, we try to go on a date by ourselves :)  We are big movie goers and like anything from artsy movies to action-packed.  My husband also cooks on the grill most weekends.  We try to cook a variety of meats to have during the week.  Last weekend we did chicken, pork, and a steak.  Zucchini on the grill is delicious!  Slice it into planks and season it with salt, pepper, herbs and olive oil.  It is delicious, even left over.
This is the recipe we used for the chicken breasts (also really good on boneless skinless chicken thighs).
Hawaiian Chicken
1 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. ketchup
3/4 c. low-sodium soy sauce
1/3 c. chicken broth
2 1/2 t. minced fresh ginger
1 1/2 t. minced garlic
6 boneless skinless chicken breast
Mix - use about 3/4 to marinade and 1/4 to save for basting as you grill.
Marinade chicken at least 3 hours.
My husband usually slices the chicken breast in half and then cooks on a really hot grill.  5 minutes per side.  If the breast is pretty thick - cook 5 minutes, turn and cook 5 more, then turn and cook for 5 more minutes (so the first side gets cooked on twice).  It is really yummy with rice and grilled zuchinni!!

Autumn Crafting

At least a year ago, I saw a cute 3-D pumpkin on a card on Pinterest (I think....).  Well, I looked all over Pinterest and couldn't find anything like the card I remembered.  Going by memory, and putting my "Joeby" twist to it, I came up with this.
I had the little frame in my stash. 
Punched out 10 scalloped circles and then folded them in half and double-sided taped them together.
I found a little stick in the yard for a stem (just like the paper pumpkin from yesterday). The sticks that I use are wild grape vines.  Wild Grapes (Muscadines) grow all over the North Houston area.  I made a batch of muscadine jelly a couple of weeks ago.  Super delicious :)

Halloween Decorations

I love this wooden witch!  She has great personality. I found her a few years ago and love to put her out welcome people to my house during October.
Probably 12 years ago, I saw a picture in Southern Living magazine with stacked pumpkins and really liked it.  Since then I have made my own pumpkin stack.  My favorite memory of this is, a few years ago I broke my arm playing tennis (I'm not at all competitive....).  I had surgery and a titanium rod implanted in my humerus so I wouldn't have to have a cast and my arm would heal quicker.  I couldn't lift a thing...  My sweet husband took me to the store to pick out my pumpkin choices and he stacked them for me.  He is such a sweetheart.
Happy Saturday and thanks for reading my blog!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously love your 3D pumpkin! That is so cute! I sure wish I had more time for crafting. We're going to have to try that Hawaiian chicken recipe too - it sounds delicious!
