Monday, October 28, 2013

"Tis Near Halloween

When witches go riding
And black cats are seen.
The moon laughs and whispers
"Tis near Halloween!
I got up early this morning and cleaned our bathroom, because someone was coming over to repair our shower!!  I am SO happy to have it working again!  It has been "troubled" for several months.  I will look forward to showering there instead of the other bathroom in our house that is available for use.  I am going to keep it nice and shiny clean (more than usual), to not take it for granted again :)
Isn't it amazing how you miss something when you can't use it for a while?  Yes, I guess you get used to the "new" way...however, I never did in this case.  My early morning cleaning spree, was a mistake, however, because it got really messy with the repair work, and now I need to do it again.  And, since a woman didn't do the repair work, the cleanliness went unnoticed! ha

Church Pew

While I hovering around the repair person to help in needed, I dusted and cleaned this lovely piece of furniture in our bedroom.
I got this Cathedral Windows church pew in Round Top, Texas during one of my shopping excursions a few years ago.  I wish I had it when my daughter was little, since it would have been a great "time-out" spot! 
I love the pillows on the pew.  I got the Texas one in California several years ago when we were there on vacation.  My husband got me the Tennessee one about a year ago as a gift.  We live in Texas, and we went to Tennesee on our honeymoon 17 years ago.  I really want an Arkansas one, too, since that is where I grew up!

A Little Shopping

I saw this beautiful table runner last week while out with my husband.  I thought it was too expensive and didn't purchase it .  Well, I got to thinking about it today and how beautiful it was over the weekend.  So, today, after a doctors appointment, I decided to buy it for our home.  One day, I want to live on a farm and have a long pretty farm table, and I can see this beautiful table runner there on our table!

These candy bars were calling to me today at the table runner store :)
I hope that your Monday has been delightful!
Happy Halloween week to everyone!
Until tomorrow!
~ Joeby


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful bench, Joeby! And I LOVE your state pillows - I've seen those before and thought how fun it would be to have ones that meant significant things to us.
